
In November 18 the Accountability Assembly of ADELDOM – the Network of Dominican Local Economic Development Agencies – was held with the participation of LEDAs’ representatives from seven provinces: Bahoruco, Dajabón, El Seibo, Valverde, Monte Plata, Santiago Rodríguez and Sánchez Ramírez.

The EU-funded Project “ODAK – Enbekshi-Kazakh Alliance for sustainable economic and human development” held its final conference at the Enbekshi-Kazakh District Akimat on October 22nd. The aim of the conference was to spread the Project’s results and good practices.

In October 2020 ILS LEDA signed a memorandum of understanding to be partner in the CROLET Project – Creation of Opportunities in the labor market through economics of territories, with the main aim of supporting local development in the Sidi Bouzid e Kebili governorates of Tunisia.

The SSP – Swayam Shikshan Prayog India – is aimed at promoting inclusive, sustainable community development by empowering women in low-income communities.

The Italian Government approved the CROLET Project- Creation of Opportunities in the labour market through economics of territories   to support local development in the Sidi Bouzid e Kebili governorates of Tunisia.

After several preparatory activities the PROZVET Project in Russia comes into full action.
"PROZVET, that means “Promoting Sustainable Development in Zabaikal and Karelia districts of Russia”, is an European Union aimed at enabling innovative forms of cooperation among civil society organisations (CSO), Local Authorities (LA), and non-traditional stakeholders.

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