
In 2022, thirty years have passed since the creation of the first Local Economic Development Agency - LEDA - with specific purposes of human development and the fight against inequalities.

In the framework of the Project “PROZVET - Promoting Sustainable Development in Zabaikal and Karelia", strategic guidelines for tourism have been drafted, through the use of ILS LEDA's RESCO participatory methodology.

An interesting essay has recently been published by Symbola on the topic “Circular economy and green city”, which addresses the main problems facing today's cities in the face of climate change and resource depletion.

"PROZVET (Promoting Sustainable Development in Zabaikal and Karelia districts of Russia) is an European Union project aimed at enabling innovative forms of cooperation among civil society organisations (CSO), Local Authorities (LA), and non-traditional stakeholders. 

Rural India is facing a severe second wave of COVID. While it’s important to stem the spread of COVID through widespread education and pandemic management, including vaccination and home care, it is equally urgent that we look at the economic distress faced by wage workers, farmers and vulnerable households in the context of day to day survival.

On 21 May, ILS LEDA presented the semi-annual report of activities carried out in the framework of the CROLET project.
The project, leaded by WeWorld and implemented by both Tunisian and Italian organisations, intends to reduce emigration, by offering greater job opportunities in the territories of  Sidi Bouzid e Kebili governorates (Tunisia). It offers a model of local development based on public-private participatory governance, aimed at enhancing endogenous value chains and ensuring competitive, inclusive and sustainable development.

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