
The 2nd ILS LEDA mission to Cambodia was carried out on May 2024

In the framework of the Project CLESIDRA: Civil Society Links and Empowerment for Socially Inclusive Development in Ratanakiri, Cambodia, the second mission was carried out by Giulia Rucireta, the ILS LEDA Project Assistant, from 05/05/2024 to 05/17/2024, in Ratanakiri, Cambodia, following the 1st mission carried out by Vincenzo Milio, ILS LEDA Executive Director, on March 2024 (To read the news about it, click here).

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The objective of the mission was the participatory assessment of 4 target value chains (rice, cashew nut, casava, and eco-tourism), with the RESCO methodology (A3.2) with the aim to:

  1. evaluate the potentials and risks of each value chain
  2. assess the opportunities and barriers to their full development

The main results of the missions consisted in conducting the RESCO value chain assessment for the 4 selected value chains throughout two-day meetings for each value chain.

The RESCO assessment took place at Build Bright University, Banlung City, in Ratanakiri Province, according to the following schedule:

  • May 7th-8th Rice Value Chain Focus Group
  • May 9th-10th Cashew Nut Value Chain Focus Group
  • May 13th-14th Cassava Value Chain Focus Group
  • May 15th-16th Eco-Tourism Chain Focus Group

The Assessment was implemented through two meetings of each value chain focus group, led by Giulia Rucireta, with the support of the local staff of BCV and UPWD, project partners.

The assessment focused on different aspects for evaluating the potentials and risks of each value chain, addressing different topics: competitiveness and markets potential; social inclusion, human rights, gender equality, environmental sustainability and reduction of the climate change risks; opportunities assessment from economic and social advantages, value chain potential, market trends; and barriers regarding infrastructure, economic, cultural, social, political, financial nature, services, regulatory framework, etc. This analysis was preliminary to the next elaboration of sustainable and inclusive value chain development strategies.

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The four focus groups were attended by relevant actors, such as representatives of the 4 producer associations of the value chains, governors, local authorities, service providers, NGOs and other relevant public and private stakeholders. A total of 60 participants (15 women) attended the meetings. All participants from each value chain were actively involved and participated in the meeting to provide information and share their knowledge through individual and collective exercise. The facilitators, form local staff, were also actively to provide support and explanation to participants.

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mission cambodia 1

Following this result, the next step will be the elaboration of the value chain competitive, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient Development Strategic Guidelines Proposal in accordance with the results of the assessment conducted.

To know more about Clesidra project, click here.

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