
Futura Network Newsletter: How to face the great challenges of our time

The FN newsletter of July 31st analyses several reports that address current issues and those of the next future:

  • the strategic forecast report from UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, on the fragility of our systems, threatened by eight disruptive changes that jeopardize future balances, proposing possible solutions starting from a new social contract that allows for more active participation of young people.
  • UNDP's Signals spotlight on "practical ways to cultivate hope", challenges and opportunities for ensuring responsible technological progress and resilient, connected communities.
  • The global alliance promoted by the President of Brazil, Lula, to build new food policies and fight world hunger.
  • A short video by biologist Giuseppe Zicari on the disappearance of biodiversity as an environmental emergency and the dangers of the artificial condition in which most human beings live.
  • Other articles on artificial intelligence; the positive signals for sustainable development emerging on the European scene; new anti-seismic technologies for the safety of historic buildings, new models of urban development between sustainable mobility and culture of movement.

To know more about them, click here (The Newsletter is in Italian).

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