
On August 16th, 2023, a framework agreement was signed between ILS LEDA and CREGU, the UNESCO Youth Education Research Center, for the implementation of education programmes within the UNESCO framework.

A mission of the ILS LEDA Executive Director, Vincenzo Milio, was carried out in the framework of the ISUDWOG (Inclusive and Sustainable Development for Women and Girls) project.

On July 31st, 2023, the new LEDA of the Kebili Governorate has been launched, in the framework of the CROLET Project financed by the Italian Government, through the support of ILS LEDA.

Giulia Rucireta from ILS LEDA has just finished a mission in La Unión (El Salvador) within the framework of the INNOVATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT FOR A GREEN ECONOMY project, funded by the European Union.

The Italian Food Districts are partnerships established by the law 205 of December 27th, 2017, with the aim of establishing a new development model for the Italian agri-food sector, the relaunch of the Made in Italy value chains and of the territories as a whole.

The contract between CODEEN, the Ensenada Economic Development Council, and ILS LEDA has just been signed to carry out the first part of the process of opening a local Development Agency for the municipality of Ensenada, which has been agreed to continue with its completion.

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