
ITALY: The innovative practice of raising territorial Bio-districts is spreading from southern to northern regions of Italy.   A Bio-district is a territory where farmers, citizens, associations  and public authorities enter into  an agreement for the sustainable management of local resources  based on organic production and  consumption (short supply chain, local purchasing groups, organic canteens in...

In the framework of the Project “ODAK – Enbek-Kazakh Alliance for Sustainable Economic and Human Development”, funded by European Union and carried out by the KIP International School, Formaper - Agency of Milan Chamber of Commerce, and 2 local partners, IEAWO (International Environmental Association "Women of Orient") and FKF (Farmer of Kazakhstan Foundation), the assessment of the economic potential...

The 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development will be held in Praia, Cabo Verde, from 17 – 20 October 2017. This event is part of an open working process, started in 2011, which promotes an international dialogue and shares experiences on Local Economic Development.   The Forum aims at constitute a platform for dialogue on key issues such as poverty eradication, employment and decent work, sustainable entrepreneurship,...

COLOMBIA: From 22 to 25 August, ILS LEDA has carried out training activities finalized to the transfer of methodologies on territorial diagnosis, local animation and territorial strategic plans, within the framework of an activity organized by RED ADELCO. Participants have been the Technicians of the Local Economic Development Agencies - LEDA - and the competitive routes of the departments of Arauca, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, La Guajira,...

Colombia: In August 2017 the implementation of Development Programs with the Territorial Approach PDET  will begin in Colombia. The Programs will operate in 16 sub-regions of 19 Departments of the country, with the active participation of 170 Municipalities affected by the armed conflict. With this ambitious and innovative plan managed by the National Agency for Territorial Renewal and supported by all political...

Tras cuatro días de intensos debates y diálogos, el 2do Foro Regional de Desarrollo Económico Local de America Latina y Caribe finalizó el pasado viernes 30 de junio. El Foro, celebrado en la ciudad de Tiquipaya, Cochabamba (Bolivia), incluyó 3 sesiones plenarias, 16 paneles, 10 talleres, 3 agendas de aprendizaje y 3 ferias productivas, junto con otras iniciativas organizadas paralelamente...

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