
Regional governments from Latin America and the Caribbean, including Mexico, are invited to take part in the European Union's IUC region-to-region exchange programme, which will enable them to cooperate with counterparts in the EU in order to promote innovation, competitiveness and new opportunities for their citizens.   DEADLINE: 30th August   Innovation is a key factor in creating competitive economies in the era of globalisation....

The 2018 High-level Political Forum on sustainable development  is meeting from Monday, 9 July, to Wednesday, 18 July 2018. The ministerial meeting of the forum is from Monday, 16 July, to Wednesday, 18 July 2018. The theme will be "Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies.” In the lead-up to the Forum, weekly blogs by representatives of Member States, UN system, and major...

On June 8, 2018 the Local Economic Development Agency of Morazán (ADEL Morazán), held the celebration of its 25th Anniversary, with the aim of sharing achievements and learned lessons in the processes developed in the department of Morazán during this period .  The event was chaired by the Board of Directors of ADEL Morazán; it was also attended by representatives of member institutions, public-private...

AGORADA 2018 is coming. It is the major summer event co - organized by EURADA, the European Association of Economic Development Agencies founded in 1992 which gathers people working on economic development throughout 22 countries in the European Union and beyond.   This time, Agorada will focus on the Industry 4.0 topic. How to approach this industrial transformation? What are the consequences and opportunities? What are the initiatives...

The Interamerican Development  Bank launched the fifth edition of "Gobernarte-Eduardo Campos Award" to award the best innovative ideas of subnational governments of Latin America and Caribbean. The award aims at identifying the best public loca experiences in BID countries, emphasizing criteria such as innovation an sustainability This year you can apply to the following categories: Participative citizenship...

With the application of 160 experiences from more than 15 countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean, it closes the 1st Regional Call "Experiences that make a difference: Gender Equality and Economic Empowerment of Women in the Territories of Latin America and the Caribbean" that has been promoted and launched by UNDP within the framework of the DELGEN * initiative - Local Economic Development and Gender. The experiences...

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