
The debate and the experiences about local economic development public polices are today rich of different points of view, approaches, and results. In order to have clearer ideas about what is happening, it is useful to go through a OECD study, named:  A Review of Local Economic and Employment Development Policy Approaches in OECD Countries: Case Studies of Regional Economic Development. This review is part of a series of reports...

IDEASS is an international cooperation initiative partner of ILSLEDA and aiming at strengthening integrated, sustainable and participatory territorial development processes by promoting innovations that have been successfully used in other areas and countries.  During 2017 the IDEASS website was visited in 222 different world countries, registering 236.815 contacts and 622.314 viewed documents   To learn more please...

Dominican Republic: In a ceremony held in the Eduardo Brito National Theater, the Corripio Foundation awarded  the Local Economic Development Agency of Valverde - ADELVA for "its constant work in articulating public, private and community sectors to promote territorial development and sustainable growth in the Valverde province, contributing to raise the levels of quality of life "  Since it was established...

Argentina: City of Córdoba is committed to sustainable economic, social and environmental development. In this framework, the Economic Development Agency of the City of Córdoba (ADEC) organizes the II International Forum of Local Economic Development: "New scenarios, transformations and territorial competitiveness", which will be held on November 29 and 30 at the Sheraton hotel. This Forum, which takes place...

Serbia: The 30-months long project (January 2017 – June 2019) INSIGHTS Project - approved within the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme financed by the European fund ERDF and IPA - is about finding solutions for making regions more attractive to tourists by developing strategies that keep in the focus the protection of natural and cultural resources. The regions all have outstanding natural and cultural resources, and at the...

"Economies for Peace" - the project that ADELCO Network carries out with APC-Colombia, and supported by the national Agency for the Renewal of the Territory -  aims to define territorial productive agendas in coffee and cocoa as a contribution to the formulation of the PDET for promoting long-term strategic competitiveness, by exchanging local and international experiences and practices to strengthen local capacities.   Colombia...

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