
RED ADELCO (Colombia): The Local Economic Development Agencies - implemented since the first years of this century - are the best examples of how the communities can change their territories. Cauca, Boyacá, Santander, Nariño and Antioquia are some of the successful cases. In June 2017 the inhabitants of northern Boyacá and southern Santander received a news they had been waiting for a long time. After more than...

From 9 September to 02 October the application to "Master in Inclusion and Social Innovation" is open. The Master is organized by University Ca' Foscari of Venice, IUAV Venice, University of Padova, and University of Verona.

ISTAT (the Italian Institute of Statistics) published an analysis of Italian local systems in its 2015 annual report, applying statistical analysis methodologies to functional geography.

"The transformations in the Argentinean and Latin American context and the redefinition of public policies challenge us to create spaces of meeting, exchange of experiences, research and proposals and questions that problematize local and regional development from an interdisciplinary perspective".

Next wendsday 15 August the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador will launch  the call 'Emprende Turismo', an initiative that will grant and award the best and most innovative tourist activities at national level. 'Emprende Turismo' aims to develop and consolidate new or existing tourism ventures or products that contribute to the strengthening and diversification of tourist attractions in Ecuador, to position it as a preferred destination...

Next 30 August wil take place the 2018 HDCA Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) is a global community of academics and practitioners that seeks to build an intellectual community around the ideas of human development and the capability approach, and relate these ideas to the policy arena. The conference aims to promote high-quality, policy-oriented academic research,...

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