
ILS LEDA is a partner of ISUDWOG - Inclusive and Sustainable Development for Women and Girls - a project co-financed by the European Union and carried out in the district of Osmanabad (India), with particular reference to 8 blocks (clusters of villages).

In November 18 the Accountability Assembly of ADELDOM – the Network of Dominican Local Economic Development Agencies – was held with the participation of LEDAs’ representatives from seven provinces: Bahoruco, Dajabón, El Seibo, Valverde, Monte Plata, Santiago Rodríguez and Sánchez Ramírez.

The EU-funded Project “ODAK – Enbekshi-Kazakh Alliance for sustainable economic and human development” held its final conference at the Enbekshi-Kazakh District Akimat on October 22nd. The aim of the conference was to spread the Project’s results and good practices.

In October 2020 ILS LEDA signed a memorandum of understanding to be partner in the CROLET Project – Creation of Opportunities in the labor market through economics of territories, with the main aim of supporting local development in the Sidi Bouzid e Kebili governorates of Tunisia.

The SSP – Swayam Shikshan Prayog India – is aimed at promoting inclusive, sustainable community development by empowering women in low-income communities.

The Italian Government approved the CROLET Project- Creation of Opportunities in the labour market through economics of territories   to support local development in the Sidi Bouzid e Kebili governorates of Tunisia.

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