ILS LEDA is a non-profit organization which has been working for 30 years, all over the world, to support local, national and international actors in strengthening territorial economic development processes.


We employ original methods and tools for finding innovative and customised solutions that fit the specific needs of each client.


ILS LEDA consists of a network of local development agencies from 17 countries, and other partners.
In 2022, ILS LEDA celebrates 30 years since the launch of the first LEDA in Honduras.


Our bottom-up approach prioritises the active involvement of private and public local actors in building and implementing development processes and strategies.


Building democratic governance

Building democratic governance

We foster the building of solid public-private partnerships for managing economic development processes at local level

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Assessing local economic potential

Assessing local economic potential

We support local actors in assessing the territorial endogenous potential, and building correspondent sustainable and resilient development strategies

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Improving services to local economy

Improving services to local economy

We support local actors in providing effective and efficient services, and designing customised comprehensive service systems for improving the performance of their territories

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Supporting the members of our international LEDA network

Supporting the members of our international LEDA network

We provide technical assistance to the members of our network (LEDAs or other similar entities) for improving their performance

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Territorial Marketing

Territorial Marketing

We support local actors in identifying the distinguishing features of their areas and designing territorial marketing strategies and brands

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Capacity building

Capacity building

We provide customised courses - also online - and support universities in designing masters and specialised courses on Local economic development

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Territorial stakeholders


August 01, 2024

Futura Network Newsletter: How to face the great challenges of our time

The FN newsletter of July 31st analyses several reports that address current issues and those of the next future

July 15, 2024

First ILSLEDA mission in Chile: project TRES advances in the southern part of the country

The first ILS LEDA mission to Chile took place from the 10th to the 28th June, 2024 and it was led by the institution's Technical Coordinator for the project, Franco...

June 18, 2024

The 2nd ILS LEDA mission to Cambodia was carried out on May 2024

In the framework of the Project CLESIDRA: Civil Society Links and Empowerment for Socially Inclusive Development in Ratanakiri, Cambodia, the second mission...

The LEDAs of ILS LEDA Network

Use the arrows to explore all the LEDAs

ACDICAR (Argentina)

ACDICAR (Argentina)


The Civil Association for the Development and Competitive Innovation Agency Rafaela (ACDICAR) is a non-profit entity created in March 2006 in the city of Rafaela, Province of Santa Fe. It is currently composed by the Municipality of Rafaela, the Commercial and Industrial Center of Rafaela and its Region (CCIRR), the Ministry of Production of Santa Fe and the Rural Society of Rafaela (SRR). Representatives from both the public and private sectors participate, and its executive committee is made up of delegates from active members.

ADEC Cordoba (Argentina)

ADEC Cordoba (Argentina)


The Federation for the Economic Development of the City of Córdoba (Argentina), is a non-profit public-private institution that promotes the economic and social development of the city of Córdoba and its metropolitan region. This public-private space - which is composed of 46 entities between business chambers, professional associations, the city's universities and the Municipality of Córdoba - was born on August 6, 1997 within the framework of the Strategic Plan of Córdoba

ADEC Catamarca (Argentina)

ADEC Catamarca (Argentina)


The Agency for the Economic Development of Catamarca (Argentina) has the objective of promoting, articulating, training and developing workers, enterprises and products in the region of Catamarca

ADERR (Argentina)

ADERR (Argentina)


The Development Agency of Rosario Region (ADERR) is a non-profit civil association with legal status of the Province of Santa Fe - Argentina. Its mission is to establish an institutional space of public and private agreement that promotes the growth of the Region by strengthening the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises through the provision of services and the management of development policies with social equity and environmental sustainability

ADER SANTA FE (Argentina)

ADER SANTA FE (Argentina)


The Agency for the Development of Santa Fe is a space for coordination of economic and territorial development programs, and is a strong focal point that creates the necessary consensus to implement policies and plans that promote the development of the Department La Capital, in the Province of Santa Fe. The Agency supports Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in all economic activities that promote prosperity, creation of value and employment in the Region.

ADP Tres Arroyos (Argentina)

ADP Tres Arroyos (Argentina)


The Agency of Productive Development Tres Arroyos is a non-profit civil association born thanks to the efforts of a group of local institutions. It works for the strengthening and development of the productive activity of the region, with the objective of contributing to local economic development, in coordination with the Secretariat of Economic Development, Science and Technology of the Municipality Tres Arroyos. The Agency, integrating the Federation of Local Development Agencies of the Argentine Republic (Fadel RA), promotes local productive development, by articulating the public and private sector, facilitating the use of instruments to support the competitiveness of existing and new enterprises, and by implementing actions that respond to the needs of the entrepreneurial community.




The Ideb Avellaneda is a public-private Civil Association created in 1997. Since then we support the growth and expansion of SMEs in the country, within the framework of a process of strengthening and promotion of business sector. Today we are also a Agency for Productive Development and an Incubator of the National Network. Our Mission is to offer services to the SMEs in order to improve their performance and their economic and financial well-being, and to contribute to the territorial development by generating income and employment.




IDEB Moron is a non-governmental organization, which involves and connect the local socioeconomic actors that work for the development and strengthening of SMEs in Buenos Aires region and thus contributes to local economic development. It functions as a civil association of private law, in which the public sector (through the municipality) and the private sector (through the business chambers belonging to different economic sectors) are integrated, together with the universities.

ADEPRO (Argentina)

ADEPRO (Argentina)

ADE San Nicolas (Argentina)

ADE San Nicolas (Argentina)

ADEL Bragado (Argentina)

ADEL Bragado (Argentina)

Centro IDEB Olavarria (Argentina)

Centro IDEB Olavarria (Argentina)

Red FADELRA (Argentina)

Red FADELRA (Argentina)

FADELRA, is the instrument that allowed to achieve the articulation among all the LEDAs of Argentina, creating an institutional space of public and private agreement. This space promotes economic, environmental and social development at the regional, sectoral and national levels; from the improvement of the systemic competitiveness of each one of the territories, the improvement of the business practices improving the competitiveness of the companies, their collective efficiency, and the management of public policies, with gender equity, social and environmental sustainability

ADEL BRUT (Colombia)

ADEL BRUT (Colombia)


ADEL BRUT Norte Valle del Cauca is a public-private entity dedicated to the strengthening of Local Economic Development, based on the endogenous potential of the territory articulated with community-based organizations, mayorships and departmental government. ADEL Brut Nova supports production units belonging to the prioritized local value chains: handicrafts, tourism, horticulture, dairy products, cultivation of bananas (created by the LEDA). It provides services for SMEs: strategic planning, partnership improvement, participatory project formulation, resource management, technical assistance, commercial support, territorial marketing, planning of public policy both at the local and departmental levels, and inter- institutional articulation.

ADEL Casa del Agua (Colombia)

ADEL Casa del Agua (Colombia)


It is the LEDA for the development of the Municipalities of the Mountain in Northeast Cauca. It is a territorial institution that motivates, articulates, manages and facilitates processes, programs and public and private projects oriented to community-based organizations with emphasis on women and young people in productive, cultural and environmental issues. It has an impact on coexistence, well-being and quality of life at territorial level, by respecting the cultural, geographic and ethnic diversity.

ADEL Los Dinosaurios (Colombia)

ADEL Los Dinosaurios (Colombia)


It is a non-profit public private entity whose mission is to promote the competitiveness and development of the Alto Ricaurte Subregion in the department of Boyacá. It is a social entity, which promotes and stimulates the development of the region through planning, co-management and permanent co-responsibility with the local actors. It mainly aimes at the improvement of responsible and inclusive tourism, rural development, sustainable horticultural production, food security and sovereignty, culture and traditions social cohesion and inclusion

ADEL Nariño (Colombia)

ADEL Nariño (Colombia)

The Local Development Agency of Nariño is a legal non for profit structure owned by a range of public and private organizations within the territory of Nariño. The ADEL acts as an alliance and platform through which local actors coordinate, plan and activate shared economic and territorial development initiatives. In this process, the most adequate tools are identified for the implementation of such initiatives.

ADEL Velez  (Colombia)

ADEL Velez (Colombia)


ADEL Velez is a Local Economic Development Agency that works in the Department of Santander. The agency supports the development of the most important productive chains in the area: tourism and agro-industry (guava, bocadillo and caña panelera)

ADEL Zapatosa (Colombia)

ADEL Zapatosa (Colombia)

ADEL Zapatosa is the Agency of Complejo Cenagoso de la Zapatosa, Río Magdalena y Depresión Momposina. It is a public-private association and its mission is to promote the development of the territory, fighting against poverty and inequality through the generation of employment and decent income. During the years it has become the main territorial structure that provides technical and financial services to strengthen entrepreneurship of vulnerable population.

APRODEL (Colombia)

APRODEL (Colombia)


APRODEL (Arauca Department - Colombia) is a public-private regional development agency. It is a significant reference structure for the implementation of economic and productive projects, social, financial, administrative and institutional development initiatives, with the aim of reducing poverty and reinforcing the formal and informal economy.

GAL Valletenzano (Colombia)

GAL Valletenzano (Colombia)


GAL Valletenzano is a corporation of private economy and mixed participation, non-profit, made up of public, private or mixed legal entities. It has territorial scope in the Valle de Tenza region and the areas of influence of the departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca and Casanare. Its objectives are: promote the sustainable integral development; promote the participation of the population; coordinate local development initiatives, proposed by public administrations and territorial actors; encourage, support, accompany and guide the initiatives of local entrepreneurs.

ADEPAS (Colombia)

ADEPAS (Colombia)


We are an instrument of management for the territorial development in the Pacific coast of Nariño. We were born in 2009 with the aim of being a planning agency, articulator and executor of the dynamics of economic and productive development of the border region of the Pacific. Our creation is developed in the framework of a development program of the southern border, an initiative that emerged in the government of Antonio Navarro Wolff, Governor of Nariño, with funding from the United Nations Development Program - UNDP and Ecopetrol.

ADEL Oriente (Colombia)

ADEL Oriente (Colombia)

ADEL Oriente (Santander) is a mixed public-private association aimed at the sustainable development of its territory. Its main objectives are to promote economic and social development of the province of Soto (Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga - AMB) and its area of influence, through processes of articulation, coordination, management, implementation, consulting and auditing of programs and projects in areas related to competitive value chains, territorial marketing, international cooperation and socioeconomic activation, impacting on improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.

Red ADELCO (Colombia)

Red ADELCO (Colombia)


We are a non-profit private institution committed aimed at improving and supporting the territorial development through local actions and the construction of a country under the principles of co-responsibility, transparency, commitment and solidarity. We currently associate eleven Local Economic Development Agencies located in the departments of Antioquia, Arauca, Boyacá, Cauca, Cesar, Chocó, Nariño, Santander and Valle del Cauca, each with sustainable productive bets that push the main characteristics of each territory, contributing to the construction of Local Economic Development.

CONQUITO (Ecuador)

CONQUITO (Ecuador)


ConQuito promotes the productive and socioeconomic development of the Metropolitan District of Quito (ECUADOR) and its area of influence, as well as the support of national policies of territorial equity through the agreement of public and private actors, to encourage local, district and national production, productivity, systemic competitiveness and the application of scientific and technological knowledge.

ADEL Intibuca (Honduras)

ADEL Intibuca (Honduras)

The Local Economic Development Agency of Intibucá, ADELI, was created on October 19, 1994 with the support of UNOPS. Its members are formed by cooperatives and Rural Banks. It is economically supported through a Credit program, which finances income generation activities in the areas of agriculture, commerce, services. In partnership with other development agencies, he has worked in micro finance, business strengthening, food security and governance programs. We currently support microfinance structures with training and assistance.

ADED Valle (Honduras)

ADED Valle (Honduras)


The Valle Economic Development Agency (Honduras) is a public-private entity that represents a joint alternative to support local SMMEs. ADED Valle is committed to fostering capacities for the generation of wealth in the territory, in a sustainable and equitable manner, through the use of territorial capital, the cohesion of actors, public-private partnerships and the participation of civil society actors

ADEVAS Ocotopeque (Honduras)

ADEVAS Ocotopeque (Honduras)


ADEVAS (Department of Ocotopeque) is a public-private institution, which aims to provide services for local economic development, oriented towards municipal governments, productive sectors and the population in general, with quality, equity and transparency. The strategic guidelines of ADEVAS are: 1. Improving institutional management capacity; 2. Facilitation of high-quality institutional services; 3. Promotion of local economic development; and 4. Being a leader institution in the promotion of local development.

ADELSAR (Honduras)

ADELSAR (Honduras)


The Local Economic Development Agency of Santa Rosa de Copán (ADELSAR) was born as a tool that promotes co-responsibility between citizens, local government and private companies, to support the socio-economic development of the municipality of Santa Rosa de Copán in particular and the western area of the country in general. It is a mixed public-private institution which operates with administrative autonomy and is constituted by the representation of the 15 citizen instances, the Chamber of Commerce and the Local Government.

ASDECOHUE (Guatemala)

ASDECOHUE (Guatemala)


ASDECOHUE - Local Economic Development Agency Department of Huehuetenango is a public-private entity that aims to improve local economic development through supporting the main territorial value chains, the local SMEs, the local small farmers and producers.

ADEL Chalatenango (El Salvador)

ADEL Chalatenango (El Salvador)


ADEL Chalatenango has the mission of contributing to improve and promote self-managed economic development, integrated and balanced, to improve the quality of life of the population of the department of Chalatenango (El Salvador). Since its establishment, the LEDA created jobs, supported SMEs, and created associations of producers and farmers.

ADEL Sonsonate (El Salvador)

ADEL Sonsonate (El Salvador)


The mission of ADEL Sonsonate is to manage, facilitate and stimulate equitable processes of local economic development, territorial and environmental management, and promotion of the rights of the indigenous peoples present in the territory, in order to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the life conditions of the most vulnarable groups living in the department of Sonsonate.

ADEL La Union (El Salvador)

ADEL La Union (El Salvador)


We are an organization that was legally constituted on October 31, 2012 to contribute to the strengthening of local economic development, through the public-private partnership between local governments, unions, environmental associations, tourism and cooperatives of producers, aiming at improving the living conditions of the population in the department of La Union, with equity and respect for the environment.

ADEL Morazan (El Salvador)

ADEL Morazan (El Salvador)


The Local Economic Development Agency of Morazán is a private, non-profit, apolitical and participatory organization. It was created in 1993, by different economic-productive organizations, grassroots organizations, with the support of Central Government, local governments, and PRODERE / UNDP. This process was promoted through dialogue, concertation and the participatory proposal of the different local actors of the Department. Since its creation, ADEL MORAZAN has formulated, managed and executed projects in the areas of Local Development, Credits, Agroindustrial Productive Diversification, Disaster Prevention and Risk Mitigation, Food Security, Protection of Natural Resources, Environment, Business Development and Geographic Information Systems.

ADELVA (Dominican Republic)

ADELVA (Dominican Republic)


ADELVA (Dominican Republic) is an inter-institutional mechanism that promotes the articulation of public, private and social actors to promote projects and initiatives for territorial development, taking advantage of the endogenous potential in a sustainable way and contributing to the well-being of people.

ADEMOPLA (Dominican Republic)

ADEMOPLA (Dominican Republic)

The ADELMOPLA has managed to be the main institutional entity that drives local development by planning, articulating, coordinating and implementing actions with more than 40 entities within the framework of the Territorial Development Plan, achieving in the last 10 years to improve the territorial Human Development Indicator. The main latest results of ADEMOPLA are focused on being suppliers of 350 thousand rations to the School Breakfast Program - PAE and the main centers of mass consumption in the country, the increase of pineapple exports to the European market and the positioning of the province as leader in the prioritized value chains.

ADELBAHO (Dominican Republic)

ADELBAHO (Dominican Republic)

ADELBAHO is a leading territorial structure that coordinates and directs the plans of Municipal and Provincial development of Bahoruco (Dominican Republic), their partial or full implementation, and facilitates coordination of the various actions and projects. Currently it accompanies the local branch of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo in the formulation of the 2016-2024 strategic development plan of the Bahoruco Province.

ADETDA (Dominican Republic)

ADETDA (Dominican Republic)


ADETDA is a leading organizational and operational structure in Dajabón province (Dominican Republic), which articulates the processes of production, processing, marketing and fundraising in the area. Furthermore, it coordinates and manages strategic plans at the municipal and departmental level, through partial or complete project execution.

Red ADELDOM (Dominican Republic)

Red ADELDOM (Dominican Republic)


The ADELDOM Network is an inter-institutional entity whose purpose is to generate networks, links and connections between territories of Dominican Republic through the Local Economic Development Agencies, in six provinces and with more than 300 affiliated entities

ADEL CD (Mozambique)

ADEL CD (Mozambique)

ADEL-CD is the Local Economic Development Agency of Cabo Delgado Province. It is a legal body governed by private, non-profit organization aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship in production and income generation, centred on the person as a conducting factor for wealth and well-being.

ADEL Sofala (Mozambique)

ADEL Sofala (Mozambique)


The mission of ADEL Sofala is to encourage entrepreneurship in the communities in order to create sustainable incomes for families and small and medium enterprises. ADEL Sofala dedicated its efforts to the development of the province and the country in general, focusing on fighting against hunger and poverty, as well as improving health and education. To achieve these objectives, we work within the community to provide information on sustainable development in order to attract the attention of different stakeholders, and to raise funds to organize activities addressed to the most important global development goals.

ADEL Manica (Mozambique)

ADEL Nampula (Mozambique)

CIDES Pikine (Senegal)

CIDES Pikine (Senegal)

CIDES PIKINE is a public-private entity working in the area of Pikine Department (Dakar region). It includes institutions from public, private and social sectors. It supports the local population, the entrepreneurs, and all the other local actors in articulating and strengthening the value chains prioritised for competitive, sustainable, fair, and inclusive regional development. It is is recognised to be a reference institution for implementing local economic initiatives, and projects, either by the local population, and from local and national administrations.

CIDES Saloum (Senegal)

CIDES Saloum (Senegal)

CIDES Saloum is a public-private entity working in the area of Saloum (Kaolack region). It supports the local population, the entrepreneurs, and all the other local actors in articulating and strengthening the main value chains prioritised for competitive, sustainable, fair, and inclusive regional development. CIDES SALOUM has been created with the aim of enabling the economic inclusion of the women and young people into the mainstream economy. It is recognised to be a reference institution for implementing local economic initiatives, and projects, either by the local population, and from local and national administrations,

LEDS Kerala (India)

LEDS Kerala (India)


Local Economic Development Society (LEDS) of Kerala is a social incubation agency that works for the economic empowerment of small producers and microenterprises by providing them with end-to-end support in specialised functions. LEDS comprises of socially committed professionals with rich and diverse experience in functions such as procurement, production, supply chain management, finance, IT, sales and distribution, marketing, social development etc; and in varied sectors such as government, NGO, Cooperative and Corporate.

North LEDA (Lebanon)

North LEDA (Lebanon)


The North LEDA aims to facilitate a sustainable long term harmonic and balanced development of the Northern Region of Lebanon, with carefully planned strategies that address activating the public-private sectors partnerships, valorizing human, social, economic and environmental resources and finally improving the population living conditions, providing job opportunities and pursuing social equity and environmental protection.

ALEDA BSS (Lebanon)

ALEDA BSS (Lebanon)


The Association of Local Economic Development Agency of Beirut Southern Suburbs (ALEDA BSS) is a legal structure created through a partnership between the public and private sectors. ALEDA BSS aims to maximize the endogenous economic potential and competitive advantage of a territory in a global context by making use of local natural, human and institutional resources.

ALMA MONS (Serbia)

ALMA MONS (Serbia)

Alma Mons Regional Development Agency (Province of Vojvodina - Serbia) improves the business environment and strengthens the territorial economy, in particular fostering SMEs' innovations and value chains (tourism, agriculture, intermodal transport, women entrepreneurship) within a strategic approach on local economic sustainable development.

REDASP (Serbia)

REDASP (Serbia)


The Regional Economic Development Agency for Šumadija and Pomoravlje represents a partnership of private, public and NGOs sectors from the area of the district of Šumadija and the district of Pomoravlje, which include 11 municipalities, including the cities of Kragujevac and Jagodina, as administrative centers of Šumadija and Pomoravlje region. The primary objective of the Regional Agency is to create conditions and stimulate economic and social development of the region.

AULEDA (Albania)

AULEDA (Albania)


The Local Economic Development Agency of Vlora (Albania) is a territorial structure that aims to have a strong impact on territorial development through facilitating the definition and implementation of territorial development strategies, with a view to competitive, equitable and sustainable development, based on its potential and using a value chain approach.




The Local Economic Development Agency North-East of Haiti (ADELNEH), is the first LEDA in the country. It has been established in February 2016 in the framework of the UNDP Haiti – Dominican Republic Bi-national Program, with the financial support of European Union. ADELNEH supports the territorial development in Haiti, particularly in the North-East department by joining the efforts of the various sectors concerned, and by promoting the cross-border cooperation.

ADEL Uraba Darien Caribe (Colombia)

ADEL Uraba Darien Caribe (Colombia)

ADESARA (Dominican Republic)

ADESARA (Dominican Republic)

ADESARA is a public-privale LEDA established in 2010 in the Sanchez-Ramirez Province. It is a leading territorial structure that coordinates and leads the strategic plans at the municipal and departmental levels, implements them, and facilitates coordination of the various actions and projects. It has created six priority value chains in the province and supported them, through entrepreneurship strategies for improving sustainable competitiveness. It has also been providing technical assistance to local small producers and farmers. ADESARA has established partnerships with the national government to implement its policies for micro and small enterprises in the province.

ADET Seibo (Republica Dominicana)

ADET Seibo (Republica Dominicana)

ADET Seibo is a public-privale LEDA established in 2009 in the Seibo Province. ADETSEIBO is a structure committed to bring positive impact on its territory, through leading strategic plans at provincial and municipal level, and facilitating the coordination of the various actions and projects, according to the plans. The LEDA has supported the creation and development of value chains, helped to increase the productivity of local micro and small enterprises and trained local actors. It has also promoted internationalization processes and has established cooperation initiatives with the Colombian LEDAs.

ASEDECHI (Guatemala)

ASEDECHI (Guatemala)


The Associacion for Services and SocioEconomic Development of Chiquimula - ASEDECHI - has been established as a civil association in 1999. Its mission is to promote productive initiatives, enhancing their competitiveness, allowing a fair local economic development with social and gender equity, through processes agreed between the different local actors and in harmony with the environment, in order to contribute to the human development of the inhabitants of the department of Chiquimula.

ADEL Ixcan (Guatemala)

ADES Granada (Nicaragua)

ADEL Rivera (Uruguay)

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