
Degree thesis on ILS LEDA methodologies

Degree thesis on ILS LEDA methodologies

Thanks to the collaboration between ILSLEDA and the University of Campania (Italy) Luigi Vanvitelli, the experience and methodologies of ILSLEDA and the themes of the Circular Economy course, implemented for ten years by the Engineering Department, become the subject of two master's thesis, entitled "Optimization of the management of production value chains: technical-organizational solutions between circular economy and territorial economy: operational applications of the ILS LEDA experience”.

The general objective of the theses is to systematise the practices experienced by ILSLEDA and feedback both the theoretical and operational aspects applied to territorial development and the circular economy.

The specific objectives are:

  1. Provide an operational toolkit to improve the profession of research and consultancy on development strategies for circular and local economy, based on ILSLEDA's RESCO methodology.
  2. Improve the toolkit itself and make it more effective and efficient.

The theses will be carried out through the following activities:

  • Preparation of the operating scheme.
  • Efficient monitoring of diagnostic and prognostic activities, through the participation of the thesis students during all preparatory and operational phases.
  • Completion of the theses.
  • Discussion of the theses in the respective graduation sessions.

The authors of the theses are Davide Zerenga and Federico Magurno from the Management Engineering degree course.
Thesis supervisors are professors Alfonso Marino and Paolo Pariso.
Co-rapporteur is the engineer Giancarlo Canzanelli, president of ILSLEDA.

The project starts on March 1st and ends on December 15th, 2024.

  • 25 March 2024
  • Europe, Governance, Strategies

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