
Strategic guidelines for the tomato and cucumber value chain in the Gaza Strip


This paper was elaborated in the framework of the project “Adolescents and Youth (AYs) for GREEN: Gaza Resilient Economy and Environment.” and it aims at recommending strategic guidelines and a plan of action for the development of a competitive, inclusive, and sustainable TOMATO AND CUCUMBER value chain in the targeted territories in the Gaza Strip.

The VEGETABLE value chain is one of the six prioritised value chains for the exercise, the other being date palm, livestock, beekeeping, poultry and recycling. 

According to the Focus Group, the interviewed vegetable value chain experts, and the secondary literature review, tomatoes and cucumber were selected as the most competitive vegetables in the Gaza Strip with higher potential of development.

For this purpose, WeWorld/ILS LEDA comprehensive territorial approach CPA (Community Protection Approach)-RESCO (REsources for Sustainable COmpetitiveness), which addresses protection risks within communities, while fostering economic and social value chain development, was used.

The present paper includes the part of the approach regarding the assessment of the value chain competitive, inclusive and sustainable needs and opportunities, leading to the formulation of the correspondent development strategy, through the use of the RESCO tool.

In particular, chapter 2 will provide details about the RESCO methodology for the value chain assessment; chapter 3 will describe the background of the value chain; chapter 4 will analyse the assessment of the competitive advantages, market positioning, inclusiveness, and sustainability of the value chain in the target areas; and, finally, chapter 5 will outline the Strategic Actions Guidelines and priorities for the value chain development.

To read the full paper, click here.

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