
1st ECN training "Demystifying Alternative Finance: From Crowdfunding to Cryptocurrencies"


1st ECN training "Demystifying Alternative Finance:  From Crowdfunding to Cryptocurrencies", 
May 22-23, 2018 | LOCATION: Brussels, Belgium.

Within the last years, early-stage funding has witnessed a small revolution that has the potential to fully change the financial world as we have come to know it. 

It started some years back, when the first crowdfunding platforms were launched, when innovators, inventors, socially-oriented organizations, NGOs, startups, individuals, realized that their dreams and ideas, could not only be tested but could find proper funding to jump-start and kick-off. This led to the launch of more than 500 crowdfunding platforms in Europe only which work on different basis and methodologies (Equity-based, peer-to-peer lending, reward-based) and in many different domains (from purely financial, start-up purposed to civic and not-for-profit oriented, just to name a few).

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies represent another more recent revolution that has the potential to disrupt the financial world, making it easier to mint money and secure online transactions by enabling unprecedented trust protocols... However fascinating (and complicated) this revolution has the potential to completely change the way transactions are made and the accessibility of funding.

What until today has been labelled Alternative Finance has now a chance of becoming a mainstream funding opportunity, capable of unleashing innovation, products, services and projects as never seen before.

Understanding all this is nowadays imperative.

Hence, the European Crowdfunding Network invites you to participate in its 2-day training workshop aimed at demystifying Alternative finance and to update you and your organization on the latest trends of the industry. Through a mix of practice and theory, you will learn about the revolutions that have struck the financial world in the recent years and about the implications these will have in the future.

ILS LEDA members and partners are going to receive a discount on the regular fee. The training workshop will be in English.

More information about the registration process can be found here. 

by the European Crowdfunding Network

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