


The ART GOLD Dominican Republic Programme, launched on the 10th of December 2007, is in line with the strategies promoted by the Government of the Dominican Republic for poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Five Provinces at the frontier with the Republic of Haiti have been identified as priority areas of intervention, Monte Cristi, Dajabon, Elías Piña, Independencia and Pedernales, together with 4 other Provinces, Bahoruco, Hermanas Mirabal (exSalcedo), Milenio El Seibo and Monte Plata, for a total of 9 priority areas (with 40 municipalities and 770,000 inhabitants). In these Provinces the ART GOLD Programme promotes and accompanies the local development processes agreed upon by the local stakeholders and open to the participation of different donors, national and local authorities from the North and to South-South cooperation.

ILS LEDA provided:

  • Support for the implementation of Local Economic Development Agencies (LEDA) in the Provinces of El Seibo and Bahoruco, and establishment of the first international partnerships;
  • Strengthening of the LEDAs already existing in the Provinces of Dajabon and Monte Plata, and establishment of the first international partnerships ;
  • Implementation of the National Network of LEDAs active in the country and support to the activities developed in order to strengthen the associated LEDAs,
  • Elaboration of the provincial strategies for the promotion of competitiveness, organization of a Diploma Course on Local Economic Development addressed to the partners;
  • Elaboration of a Territorial Competitiveness Atlas in collaboration with the National Competitiveness Council, and the ART Scientific Committee;
  • Elaboration of the first presentation documents of the Dominican LEDAs for the promotion of twinning with European LEDAs and BICs;
  • Organization of missions of European LEDAs and BICS to the Dominican LEDAs to identify and formulate joint projects of decentralized cooperation
  • 02 January 2019
  • Americas

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