In the framework of the “JAILYM” project, co-funded by the European Union, ILS LEDA carried out a Comparative Analysis of livestock associations’ performance in various countries, with the aim of providing useful inputs and information for facilitating the process of creation and consolidation of the associations of cattle breeders and pasture users, and, in a long term perspective, of broader associations and alliances of the cattle breeders with other operators of the livestock and milk/meat value chains.
Sixteen cases were selected and analysed, of which 4 from Italy (AIA - Associazione Italiana Allevatori; ANABIC - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini Italiani da Carne; ANAFIBJ - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della Razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana; ANARB - ITALIAN BROWN CATTLE BREEDERS’ Association), 3 from Argentina (CREA - Cattle Breeders; Asociación De Criadores De Ganado Sanga; AACH - Asociación Argentina Criadores De Hereford), 3 from the US (Holstein Association USA; NAAB - National Association Of Animal Breeders; NCBA - National Cattlemen's Beef Association), 3 from the United Kingdom (The British Cattle Breeders Club; Wagyu Breeders Association; Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society), 2 from France (ELVEA France; UNÉBIO – Union des Éleveurs Bio), and 1 from Russia (Association Of Holstein Cattle Producers).