
Rosaria Bisceglia

In the framework of Fydem Project in Nicaragua, comes the need to realize this study.

The study aims to answer some questions, such as:
1) What are the functions and role of the University in the processes of local economic development?
2) What should be the Universities prerogatives to perform these functions?
3) What are the ost successful experiences and best practices all over the world?

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Giancarlo Canzanelli

Environment contributes both directly and indirectly to economic development and employment, as stated by the UNDP-UNEP-Poverty-Environment program, and this contribution is particularly important in developing countries, since the key sectors impacted by the environment are: agriculture,, energy, forest, fishing, and tourism.

Giancarlo Canzanelli

Amartya Sen, one of the most famous researchers on the topic, has given an appropriate definition of poverty that completes Adam Smith’s approach.
For him, poverty is the lack of what one needs to live within a society.
In the broadest sense, it means survival but also contribution and participation to social daily activities.

(...) The United Nation’s Human Development Index is a good example since it's calculated with three values: income, life expectancy and literacy. Such answer to what is poverty helps us think about relative poverty, in opposition to absolute poverty , i.e. the total absence of the most basic needs (food, health care, shelter…) (...)

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Giancarlo Canzanelli

This notebook focus on the importance of local economic development on supporting migrants initiatives aimed at either contributing to local development of the areas of origin, or facilitating their return.
The basic concept is migration an integral part of global and local development.

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