
Giancarlo Canzanelli

The diffusion of public private mode of governance is generally attributed to two different factors: one concerning the "crisis of the state" (Cassese 2002) and the other one concerning the increase in demand of participation by local communities...

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Giancarlo Canzanelli, Luciano Loffredo

In the new 'knowledge economy" approach, innovation is conditioned by several factors, of both a socio-cultural and technical-economical nature, which can affect the various stages of the process, ranging from the production of new knowledge to its practical application and commercialization.
Innovation is a collective/interactive process, which cannot take place outside a highly territorial and systemic dimension.

Maurizio Del Bufalo

Gli ultimi anni hanno segnato, per la cooperazione internazionale in Europa, una fase di trasformazione profonda che merita una attenta analisi per distinguere i fermenti positivi dagli spunti di crisi...

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Giancarlo Canzanelli

In 2001, the ILO Universitas Program has began, with the aim of contributing to the knowledge and the strengthen innovative practices in the field of socio-economic territorial development.

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