
Registration open for the 14th OECD Local Development Forum

The 14th OECD Local Development Forum will take place on December 10 and 11 in Antwerp, Belgium.

The Forum was created in 2004 by the OECD LEED Programme. This 2-day event gathers partners from national government, local authorities, employment agencies, businesses and NGOs.

The 2019 Forum will bring together hundreds of local development practitioners, entrepreneurs and social innovators to share good practices about how employment and skills programmes are meeting employer demand (especially SMEs), what’s being done to help people and places catch-up, and how social innovation can be leveraged to create an inclusive local economy.

It will bring together over 300 participants who will take away new insights on:

  • How are the skills needs of firms (especially SMEs) changing due to automation and digitalisation?
  • How can regions and cities promote lifelong learning and engage those who are either unemployed or not seeking employment?
  • How can social innovation help to advance local development opportunities while building sustainable and enabling labour markets?

The OECD is also looking for examples of employment, skills, social innovation, culture/creative industries and entrepreneurship programmes to be featured in OECD work highlighting international good practices.

If you want to share your story click here: CALL FOR INNOVATIVE PRACTICES
You could also have a chance to present your story in Antwerp on 10-11 December 2019.

There are no costs to attend the Forum, however due to limited space, attendance is by invitation only. If you would like to attend, you must first request an invitation.

Click here to request an invitation: REGISTRATION

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