

The Network of Local Development Agencies of the Dominican Republic – RED ADELDOM – and the Deputy Ministry of Territorial Planning and Regional Development of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPYD) made an agreement at the end of the seminar “THE LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES IN THE FRAMEWORK OF PLANNING ON PUBLIC POLICIES” held on November 16 and 17 in the municipality of Mao, Valverde province.

During the seminar, the Deputy Vice Minister masterfully gave the lecture on “LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE IMPORTANCE OF LEDAs” highlighting the importance of LEDAs to contribute to the emergence of new opportunities for entrepreneurs in the area, for the sake of the comprehensive development of the country. In addition, the vice minister supported the need for the LEDAs to provide support to small entrepreneurs, strengthen the productive value chain, align the goals with the current economy, think and act globally from the territory, that is, enter into the focus of circular economy.

Likewise, through a virtual platform from Italy, Giancarlo Canzanelli, president of ILS LEDA, presented the lecture on "THE ROLE OF TERRITORIES AND LEDA IN NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT", highlighting aspects such as: the competitive advantages of a territory, the importance of local development to face the challenges of our time (globalization, climate change, migrations, inequalities), what strategy to promote territorial development, the role and challenge of LEDAs, what public policy). During the question and answer session, Canzanelli, together with Franco Jimi Torres, ILSLEDA coordinator for Latin America, indicated how the LEDAs of the ILSLEDA network solved the problem of their sustainability, and how to articulate the task of public planning with that of its implementation, through models, which identify "what" to implement and "with what tools."

Martin Eduardo Peña, Director of the ADELDOM NETWORK, Mrs. Marta Gonzales Pons, responsible for planning at the Ministry, Mrs. Diana Borrero, representative in the country of the Spanish NGO CODESPA, delegations of the LEDAs of Bahoruco, Dajabón, El Seibo, Sánchez Ramírez, Santiago Rodríguez and Valverde, representatives of Monte Cristi as a province interested in forming a new LEDA, the provincial governor of Valverde, Deysi Aquino, the executive director of the Institute for the Development of the Northwest, INDENOR, Yacqueline Almonte participated to the seminar.

The seminar ended with agreements between the Vice Ministry and the ADELDOM Network to continue strengthening working ties to promote public policies, projects and initiatives that promote inclusive and sustainable territorial development.

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